Diving into the Data to Analyze America's Rapid Wage Growth and So-Called "Wage Inflation"
Just a note: the "historical" 2.2% real output growth, is only "historical" for the 10 yrs post Great Recession. For the 30 yrs prior to that, the "historical" real growth was 3.3%
I should have made it clearer that I meant RGDP per capita, but yes
OK. Per Capita RGDP. Still, the "history" is long but prior to the GR. More recently it was trying to return to trend...
Just a note: the "historical" 2.2% real output growth, is only "historical" for the 10 yrs post Great Recession. For the 30 yrs prior to that, the "historical" real growth was 3.3%
I should have made it clearer that I meant RGDP per capita, but yes
OK. Per Capita RGDP. Still, the "history" is long but prior to the GR. More recently it was trying to return to trend...