"American industrial production of chips and other electronic components (measured in quality-adjusted output terms, in contrast to China’s measurements based on raw chip count) reached a new record high and is up 7.3% over the last year."

When you click on the link, you see that the rate of increase is lower than pre-pandemic.

"Quality-adjusted" lol When you start doing that, you can manipulate stats to fit your narrative.

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Nice article. Well done 🙌🏼

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The United States attempts to invest more into the semiconductor industry via the Chips Act signed in 2021. $52 billion is planned to be used over five years along with more control of intellectual property and what products can sent to certain customers. Example being the TSMC building being built in North Phoenix is just one sign of where things are going. We will see where this goes from here.

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The US is going to lose this fight before it starts lol

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